The Magic Key

“Biff and Chip got smaller and smaller and smaller.”


One night, in the box which was by Chip’s bed, something was glowing. He thought it was magic and ran into Biff’s room. They looked at the box and found a key inside. By picking up the key, the magic began. They got very small and played with the big things like a pin, a pencil. Then, the key grew again and Biff picked up it, the magic was over. They got bigger and bigger and bigger.


I was really excited to read this story because I want to experience being smaller and smaller and smaller. I like the expression which I wrote on the top on this page. There are three times “smaller” in this phrase and it can make us more excited. I have never experienced magic or miracle world but I want to see the magic world like Chip and Biff with some friends.

the magic key oxford reading tree に対する画像結果



The Great Race

It’s Not Fair
